Actrostaphylos uva ursi Product of SPAIN Certified Organic Also known as Bearberry
Medicinal: Treats urinary tract infections.
Magickal: Psychic abilities. |  Valeriana officinalis Product of HUNGARY Wildcrafted
Medicinal: Treats all kinds of nervous disorders, insomnia, PMS, upset stomach.
Magickal: Protection, purification, sleep. |
 Verbena officinalis Product of USA Wildcrafted
Medicinal: Relieves joint pain, treats bladder infections, hemorrhoids, and bronchitis.
Magickal: Purification, protection, love, passion, removes nightmares, peace, healing. |  Vetiveria zizanioides Product of INDIA Wildcrafted
Medicinal: Treats pain from sprains and arthritis, relieves physical and mental exhaustion, insomnia.
Magickal: Attraction, prosperity, hex-breaking, luck. |
 Viola odorata Product of CHINA Wildcrafted
Medicinal: Relieves constipation, treats coughs, asthma, infections of the mouth and throat, reduces inflammation.
Magickal: Love, sleep, dreams, protection, passion. |
 Quercus alba
Product of USA
Medicinal: Treats bacterial and viral infections, kidney stones, lowers cholesterol.
Magickal: Protection, cleansing. |
 Salvia alpina
Product of USA
Medicinal: Treats infections and symptoms of menopause.
Magickal: Cleansing, purification, healing. |
 Prunus serotina
Product of USA
Medicinal: Treats respiratory problems, lowers blood pressure and blood sugar, relaxes muscles.
Magickal: Love, passion, protection. |
 Lactuca canadensis
Product of USA
Medicinal: Relieves pain and insomnia.
Magickal: Love, protection, divination. |  Dioscorea villosa
Product of MEXICO
Medicinal: Treats joint and muscle pain, relieves female problems, increases male potency.
Magickal: Love, passion. |
 Salix alba
Product of USA
Medicinal: Relieves various forms of pain.
Magickal: Moon work, protection, love. |  Gaultheria procumbens
Product of USA
Medicinal: Relieves headaches and other pains, lactation, treats bladder and urinary problems.
Magickal: Prosperity, spirits, hex-breaking. |
 Hamamelis virginiea
Product of USA
Certified Organic
Medicinal: Treats diarrhea, hemorrhoids.
Magickal: Protection, fidelity. | Hamamelis virginiea, USA, ORGANIC |
 Betonica officinalis
Product of ALBANIA
Medicinal: Treats colds, allergies, and urinary tract infections.
Magickal: Ceases dreaming, purification, protection. |
 Artemisia absinthium
Product of HUNGARY
Medicinal: Treats intestinal worms.
Magickal: Protection, love, spirit calling, psychic powers. |  Achilea millefolium
Product of ALBANIA
Medicinal: Treats indigestion, lowers fevers, relieves cramps and inflammation, encourages wounds to heal.
Magickal: Courage, friendship, cleansing, intuition. |
 Rumex crispus
Product of USA
Medicinal: Relieves constipation.
Magickal: Business prosperity. | Ilex paragualensis
Product of BRAZIL |